Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Things I’d do if they did
get together in the end... *sighs* Unfortunately, Rowling cared (and still
does) about the stupid idea called as One Big Happy Weasley Family or OBHWF more compared to actually created a
(logical) form of true love or pairings. I admit that I didn’t ship any couple
before I read Half-Blood Prince. I didn’t even know that the book, which is
called as Half-Arsed Plot by fellow Harmony shippers, was about twu lurv.
Yeah, twu lurv!
I don’t really remember the details of the plot because I
haven’t read the book for a long time, but many people say that it’s actually
bad because of info dumps, the twu lurvs, the OOC-ness of the characters
(mainly Hermione), and most importantly........the one and only, Ginevra “Ginny”
Sue Weasley. Pretty sure I don’t have to explain why I put “Sue” as Ginny’s
middle name :P
I knew that Harry would get another love interest from the
synopsis, but I did not expect that romance would be the main focus of this
book. On top of that, Harry’s new love interest was Ginny Weasley... who was
suddenly a Mary Sue. I remember correctly what happened when I read that Harry
suddenly had a crush on Ginny. I was like:

I’m not saying that Harry-Ginny is impossible or it can’t happen. The thing is, Ginny, who pretty much had been only in the background after Chamber of Secrets, suddenly... BAM. She is one of the description of Mary Sue. If she was well-developed, interacted or went through some adventures with Harry, I wouldn’t complain. If there was any girl who has always been with and supporting Harry for YEARS, it was not and will never be Ginny. Hmm... I wonder who was the person? Clue: her initial was Hermione Granger.
Um...did I write Hermione Granger?
Um...did I write Hermione Granger?
Yeah, I just did.
Oops. :P
Yes, Ginny Weasley IS a Mary Sue. She suddenly became a girl who was good at almost everything, popular, and beautiful. She was good at spells! .....em, by good-at spells, I mean Bat-Bogey Hex. That spell must be so powerful that every dark wizard would run away when Ginny said,"Take this.....the spectacular Bat-Bogey Hex!" Yeah, right. She was also good at Quidditch! .....that she supposedly had liked since she was six years old, and then hated/wasn't interested in it in Goblet of Fire, and then liked & was good at it in Order of Phoenix. Is she a robot or what? Ginny was also sooooooo popular than even Zabini liked her. We're told that Ginny was powerful, we're also told that Ginny was popular and beautiful..... from Half-Blood Prince. As for me, if Rowling wanted me to like Ginny's character..... WHY DIDN'T SHE DO IT FROM, OH I DON'T KNOW, FROM THE BEGINNING OR AT LEAST FOURTH BOOK??? >_>
Oh and if Rowling thought that she changed Ginny's character into Mary Sue just because she wanted Harry to be with someone who was equal or as great as him..... oh, I don't know. Maybe Rowling was drunk at the time and then she forgot about someone whose initial was Hermione Granger, a girl who had always been there for Harry even when people around him weren't. Nice job, Rowling, ruining Hermione's characterization only to make Ginny become someone who was suddenly important to be with Harry.
Did I just type "Hermione Granger" as her initial?
Yes, yes I did. :P
And what about this post?
Yeah, J.K. Rowling was drunk.
By the way, I think ruining-Hermione's-characterization also a sign that deep down in Rowling's not-so-tiny OBHWF shipper heart, she knew (and I guess still does) that Harry/Hermione should have gone that way. THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE THAT WAY, DAMMIT. ;__;
What about Ginny's physical appearance that basically looks like Lily Potter's? And Hermione & Molly Weasley? Are these main pairings in Harry Potter kind of related to Oedipus Complex? In a way? I mean, if Rowling wanted Harry to be with someone that will make him and the girl = James-Lily, why didn't she make Harry end up with Hermione? Ginny = her physical appearance looks like Lily. Hermione = she is like Lily. If you ask me, of course I'll choose Hermione over Ginny any day. You think Harry-ends-up-with-a-girl-who-looks-like-his-Mother-and-apparently-a-bully-&-rude is not creepy? You think it's cute and romantic? Fine, I still think it is creepy and will still ship Harry/Hermione, the not-creepy-but-cute-romantic-and-memorable one.
Ginny's also a bully, apparently. You don't believe me? Find the passage where Ginny cursed Zacharias Smith with that oh-so-spectacular spell Bat-Bogey Hex, switch her name and Zacharias' with, let's say, Malfoy and Seamus. Let's see... you still think that scene is cool and funny? Would you say,"Oh, Malfoy, you go, dude. You're so cool and badass!" I don't think so~
Plus, it's obvious that it means Ginny liked Harry as The Hero, someone who was famous and would not be happy if he didn't kill/fight Voldemort. Twu lurv, eh? In my opinion, if Harry/Hermione happened, it would be cute, sweet, romantic, memorable...you name it. Why? Because Hermione had always been there for Harry for YEARS. She was there for Harry when anyone, even Ron "WonWon-but-not-King" Weasley, wasn't. So, yeah... Ginny's so-called love for Harry was more like a fangirling one.
And don’t get me started on Ron-Hermione. I am sure as hell I don’t wanna be with a guy who is very ungrateful, immature, and always disrespects me & wants to hurt my feelings for YEARS. No, thank you very much.
I found a post on tumblr once that basically says that Ron-screams-when-Hermione-is-tortured-but-Harry-doesn't-so-Ron-loves-Hermione-and-Harry-doesn't. SIRIUSLY. You mean to tell me that just because Harry isn't screaming loudly as fudge, he doesn't care about Hermione? You mean to tell me that screaming is more helpful than actually thinking to do something?? REALLY?? >_> Anyway, if that's the intention why Rowling wrote Harry and Ron's reactions like that..... I don't even know what to say. Like, you know, it's like when Rowling wrote that scene, she was screaming to the readers:"See guys?? Ron is screaming Hermione's name, and Harry isn't! Come on, you know what it means... Ron loves Hermione sooo much, but Harry doesn't! It's true love."
Come on. Are you telling me that if that stupid OBHWF plot didn't happen and Harry & Hermione got together, they'd decide that they wouldn't meet or interact with The Weasleys anymore? That Harry and Hermione would ignore Ron forever? Or..... Ron would not get married with anyone?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Am I supposed to believe that Ron's only possible love interest is Hermione? Of course, Ron is an immature guy who can be a jerk, but it doesn't mean that no one will love him, as in true love. What about Luna Lovegood or Lavender Brown? Yeah, Lavender Brown. Pretty sure that her characteristics are like that just because it was Rowling's lame attempt to make us ship RoMione. Still, I think Ron/Lavender would actually be a weird but cute pairing. Poor Lavender. Lavender and Hermione's characteristics were basically ruined by Rowling herself only for that silly OBHWF plot.
As for Luna, I can totally imagine something like this:
Luna: *in her usual dreamy voice* "Oh hi, Ronald." *kisses him on cheek*
Ron/Hermione (Romione)? They just bicker or fight. That's it. Ron disagrees with Hermione about something and they will bicker, then Ron will try his best to win it. Or one day, someone will ask Hermione about Ron's good qualities or why she loves him, she'll be like,"Oh... Er... Um... I..." and changes the topic. And no, I'm not making this up, because it actually happened in the book (I forgot which one) where Hermione had a hard time in praising Ron/mentioning his good qualities. And no, I don't and will never find that their bickering or fights are cute, lovely, or adorable. It's not just me or Harmony shippers, though. I saw a tumblr post once saying that they, Romione shippers, are confused why the hell Rowling kept making Ron and Hermione bicker in Half-Blood Prince instead of being together already and starting to respect each other. Of course, I'm sure it would be a very rare post because pretty sure (I don't know how) Rowling somehow has successfully assured that Romione's bickering/fights are cute. And scream Ron-and-Hermione-love-each-other-from-the-beginning, for that matter.
It's weird that most Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione shippers would say: "But what about Ron?? He was poor, you know. He deserved Hermione." Yeah, sure.....because Hermione is a kinda trophy or the main prize for Ron, not a love interest or even a human being, right? >_> Ron was poor? Yeah, he was. However, was that what made Ron deserve Hermione? You think Harry was luckier than Ron? Oh, yeah, sure guys. Ron still had both of his parents, had a mother who was good at cooking, didn't have a dark wizard chasing him, wasn't accused as a liar for saying Voldemort's back, wasn't abused physically or emotionally by his family, etc... Yeaaah, Ron's life is really poor compared to Harry, right? That's why he deserves Hermione, eh? Also, it seems that most Harry/Ginny and RoMione shippers care about Ron's love life and destiny more than Harry's.
Are. You. Kidding. Me???
Are you sure that you read the Harry Potter books I read? Or you read the ones titled "Ron Weasley and the....." and not "Harry Potter and the......"?
Pretty sure that Harry Potter IS the main character. That's why it makes sense if I say I care about Harry's love life and destiny more than Ron's. It seems that as long as Ron gets together with Hermione, they don't care whoever Harry gets together with. I have a feeling that's why there are so many Harry/Ginny shippers: "If Harry/Hermione happened, Ron would be alone! Aww poor Ronniekins. Let's ship Harry with any girl that's left.....wait. Rowling mentions Ginny's name! It seems Ginny's character will be important even though she basically disappeared in the previous books! What? She's a Mary Sue? We don't care! We will ship Harry/Ginny too now, so Ron/Hermione can happen! Finally, our darling King Ronald Weasley gets something in his life. Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins, we know you deserve Hermione awww" >_>
And don't forget that Cho Chang and Viktor Krum's jealousy of Harry/Hermione's relationship. I mean, come on guys.....Harry and Hermione really looked like brother-sister that Cho and Viktor felt threatened, right? They didn't say anything about Ron/Hermione because...um...they were soooooooo romantic and always looked like lovebirds that Cho and Viktor were not jealous of RoMione, right? :>
Don't get me started on The Interview of Doom that involded Rowling, Emerson Spartz (Mugglenet), and Melissa Anelli (Leaky Cauldron). Rowling didn't and will never apologize to us for hurting our feelings. Of course, maybe J.K. Rowling doesn't know about how Harmony shippers/Harmonians were (and still are) hurt by what she, Emerson, and Anelli think about & say about us. However, I am sure that Rowling won't apologize or even say something to us even if she does know about how we feel. We're delusional, crazy, and even dangerous, remember? The point is, Rowling and her Harry Potter interviews have taken "show, don't tell" violation to a whole new level. >_>
Speaking of interviews (Rowling's interviews have made me cringe everytime I hear/read that word now >_>), Rowling once said that everyone fell in love with a wrong person in Goblet of Fire. I think she meant to say Harry=Cho, Ron=Fleur, and Hermione=Krum. The thing is, Rowling said everyone. If I'm not mistaken, she said that Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione actually had had crush on each other since the first time they met, right? ...wait what? Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione were not included?? But you said everyone. What was so speshul about Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione that they were not included? And since when the word everyone means not anyone? I am so confused, Rowling. Please, do us a favor: make. Up. Your. Mind.
Can you imagine what if Harry and Hermione got together in the end? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Hermione was the only girl who was always with Harry even when people around Harry weren't. If there was any girl who had always been with Harry for years, it was not and will never be Ginevra "Ginny Sue" Weasley, but Hermione Granger. Plus, Rowling could've had or created one of memorable romances/pairings if Harry/Hermione got together in the end. To this day, I still don't and will never believe that bickering and Mary-Sue stuff are definitions of true love. Harmony IS.
Harry/Ginny and Romione shippers (without brains): "Huh, I bet you only watch the movies and don't read the books! Or maybe you do, but I'm sure you have to REREAD the books!"Oh, really? I haven't read Harry Potter books? Or I only watch the movies? Or worse..... I have to reread the books? Oh, please. I have read AND reread the books, and I still ship Harry/Hermione (Harmony, Harmione... you name it). You wanna know why? You want proofs? I will give you one, I hope you will read it. Or maybe you are too scared to know that Harry/Hermione actually make sense? Yeah? Click and read this post if you're not. :P
Just in case if you wanna know since when I started shipping Harry/Hermione, I started shipping Harmony since the Books-and-Cleverness and hug moments in Philosopher's Stone book.
You still think that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger only can be brother-sister like? Well, let's look at this one scene:
![]() |
Can't find the one where Harry looks at her; you know what I'm talking about anyway :p |
That one scene was written by Rowling herself; you can find and read it in the book. And don't forget the Department of Mysteries scene (Harry, Hermione, Neville). If I could, I would put other gifs from the movies that are written by Rowling, whether they were changed a bit by the directors/crews or not. Well... what do you think? In my opinion, there's no way this scene means oh-you're-like-a-sister-to-me. Plus, Harry's an only child, isn't he? How can he know the feeling of having a sister? Unless you consider Dudley as Harry's sister and compare him to Hermione. >_> If you read/watch this scene and still think Harry and Hermione = brother-sister (or worse.....actual brother-sister aka incest >_>)..... I really am speechless.
The fact that Rowling changed Hermione's last name from Puckle to Granger does not help. AT ALL. Why? Because if Hermione's last name was still Puckle, her and Harry's initials would be... oh, I don't know... um... H. J. P ...?! And the fact that even though Hermione's last name is Granger, if she and Harry got together, their initials would be... um... oh, I dunno..... still freaking H. J. P...?! Makes me think that Rowling actually thought to make Harry and Hermione get together..... until either the silly OBHWF plot popped up in her mind or she only cared about oh-my-God-who-Ron-should-end-up-with-um-well-I-know-Harry-is-the-main-character-I-should-focus-on-his-love-life-but-I-don't-care-lol-omg.
However, if all these Harry/Hermione moments and cancelled/changed stuff about them were only Rowling's lame attempt in trolling us because she wanted us to think Harry/Hermione would happen....... no, no, no. Screw you, Rowling, for messing with my heart, considering I will never forget about Harmony's possibilities forever. ;__;
Still not sure that Harry-Hermione should’ve happened? Look at the pics and gifs I got from tumblr or basically Google in this post. Come on, CLICK IT and SEE. Please, do tell me... do those pictures scream HARRY-AND-HERMIONE-ARE-JUST-LIKE-BROTHER-AND-SISTER or what? Hmmm...? Oh well, I bet you wouldn't say that those are brother-sister scenes if Harry were swapped with Ron or Hermione were swapped with Ginny~ :P
Wait...what?? You still think Harry/Hermione shouldn't happen? *sighs* Well..... Let's look at these supposedly platonic quotations:
Wait...what?? You still think Harry/Hermione shouldn't happen? *sighs* Well..... Let's look at these supposedly platonic quotations:
“And it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think I am too," Hermione added as an afterthought.“But I don’t think you’re ugly,” said Harry, bemused.
Harmony shippers: *cry with happiness, then remember what actually happens in the last two books* “Oh, Rowling, what have you done??”
RoMione shippers (with brains): *sigh* “Why didn’t you make Ron say that to Hermione, Rowling??”
Harry/Ginny and RoMione shippers (who don’t have brains): *puke* “Platonic!”
"Oh, come on, Harry," said Hermione, suddenly impatient. "It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting, and frankly, you've never been more fanciable."
Harmony shippers: “We’re torturing ourselves by reading the last two books, aren’t we?”
RoMione shippers (with brains): “For the love of redheads, Rowling... Stop making Ron bicker with Hermione and make him respect & say this kind of stuff to Hermione!”
Harry-Ginny and RoMione shippers (who don’t have brains): “Yuck. Platonic~"
Still think Harry-Hermione’srelationship is platonic? Alright, let’s look at this:
“And it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think I am too," Ginny added as an afterthought.
“But I don’t think you’re ugly,” said Harry, bemused.
I mean, look... it's like, Ginny and Harry are long-lost brother and sister, right? Oh wow :')
Now look at this one:
"Oh, come on, Ron," said Hermione, suddenly impatient. "It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting, and frankly, you've never been more fanciable."
Come on, guys, just... read that quotation. I feel like I wanna cry because it's like, the epitome of platonic relationship, right? :')
If you guys want another one...
Harry/Ginny and RoMione shippers (who don't have brains): “STOP!!! Er...yuck! PLATONICPLATONICPLATONIC!!! Don't you remember what Queen Rowling says in the interviews?? Don't you remember that platonic quote in Deathly Hallows?? HELLOOO...??”
Alright, alright! :P
*sighs* It's either that brother-sister quote or THE INTERVIEWS, huh? Because it's better to know why Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione are meant to be from interviews, instead of actually from the books so we can always find and read it, huh??? Riiiiiiiight.
I am done 100− um... no, 80% done with this series. Why 80? Because I still love those supposedly-platonic Harry-Hermione moments tbh, no matter what happens in Half-Blood− I mean, Half-Arsed Plot, and Deathly Hallows ;__;
Ginny's lip trembled as she suddenly dashed at Harry and threw her arms around him.
"Harry, you're a great wizard you know."
"I'm not as good as you," said Harry, very embarrassed, as she pulled away.
"Me!"said Ginny. "Books! And Cleverness! There are more important things − friendship and bravery and − Oh Harry, please be careful!"
Sorry, my fingers slipped! :P
Harry-Ginny and RoMione shippers (who don’t have brains): "You sly little devil..."
Eh, I'm not really sure about that. If Harmony shippers and I are evil for having good points and evidences, then who are you?
Don't answer that one. I feel like I could hear your answer now.....
Anyway, if my fellow Harmonians and I are delusional & crazy for having proofs and evidences (in books and movies), then I do not mind to be called as a delusional & crazy person. It's not like we're desperate (in searching for REAl, EXISTING, and ACTUAL proofs & evidences) or not logical :P
P.S.: Most points I mentioned in this post have been discussed on this site. Can I just say that I LOVE that site? I mean, basically, people on that site are my brothers and sisters...my fellow Harmony shippers :') Oh my God... I hope all of them still ship Harry/Hermione. I can't remember which discussion page I was inspired by, but if you are interested in knowing the details of some points I mentioned in this post, I suggest you to visit that page. Oh, you're a Harmony shipper too? Highly recommended, then~
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