Sunday, June 30, 2013


The Misuse of "Literally"

First of all, I would like to say that I'm terribly sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes in this post ._. I'm still learning and improving my English skill, so... yeah :| It doesn't mean that I will post everything in English though :3

Alright. "Literally", huh?
It always pisses me off whenever someone misuses the word "literally", and honestly I don't even know why. Maybe it's because I know that the word shouldn't be used that way. Sometimes I wonder why the non-native English native speakers like me are the ones who are bothered by this kind of issue or know that it's a misuse, but the native ones are not. I think sites like tumblr or Twitter are the ones where the misuse of "literally" is spread and happened in the first place. Honestly though, I guess I can't say that because I don't have a tumblr account ._.

I really wanna know why most people use "literally" in emphasizing something even though they do not have to. I often hear or see people say/post:

  1. "I literally cried!"
  2. "She literally just read the book last night."
  3. "They literally can't say anything about it!"
  4. "He is literally the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen."
  5. "We literally just saw Miss Brown!"
Everytime I hear or read such sentences, I feel like I wanna facebook the people who said or posted them. Literally.


Why most people always feel the need to use "literally" when it is obvious they don't have to? I mean, look at the previous sentences. Please, do tell me: how one can cry metaphorically? One funny example is when someone says,"My head literally exploded!" or "I literally cried my eyes out!". Siriusly, guys... if you said that, I'd assume that you guys were dead or dying. If you said that your head literally exploded, I guess this gif is basically your condition right now:

If that gif is not what you meant by my-head-literally-exploded, I don't know what is. Look, I know you wanna emphasize what you wanna say. Or maybe you just want people to know how you feel. However, don't you know that you can use other words than "literally"? You know, the ones that really describe what you wanna say. For example, you can say,"She is absolutely the most beautiful girl I've ever met." instead of "She is literally the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Another example is: "I really can't say it because it's a secret!" instead of,"I literally can't say it because it's a secret..... LITERALLY."

(I feel like I should add the second "literally" because I've seen people who use it twice ._.)

So, it's okay if you wanna emphasize what you wanna say, but do not use "literally" if you don't have to. There are other words you can use, like "very", "absolutely", "really", "completely", etc.

I don't really know if you can use those words instead of literally, though. My vocabulary isn't good enough yet. Like I said, I'm still improving my English skill. And it's okay, right? RIGHT, RIGHT??
Um... sorry about that.

Finally, this is an example of the correct use of "literally" that I made for you. It was inspired by one of "Phineas and Ferb" episodes, but I forgot which one. And, uh... I am terribly sorry that my drawing skill is poor and laughable ._. Oh and if it's a wrong one (maybe it is, and I can feel like someone is ready to say: oh the irony), please let me know. :)

Thank you for your attention~ :3


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