Sunday, December 8, 2013


Review film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) dari sudut pandang pembaca

Sebelum masuk ke review, I'd like to apologize kalo post ini akhirnya malah nggak terlihat seperti review. Lebih seperti rant, curahan hati (?) dari sudut pandang seseorang yang sudah membaca novel seri/trilogi The Hunger Games karya Suzanne Collins. Selain itu, sebenernya ini post yang telat karena aku udah menonton Catching Fire pada hari pertama film ini tayang di Indonesia (DUH).

Now, if you excuse me, I'd like to put some gifs untuk menggambarkan perasaanku sehabis menonton film sekuel dari The Hunger Games (2012) ini:


Awalnya, pergantian director dari Gary Ross ke Francis Lawrence membuatku cemas bahwa film Catching Fire nggak bakal memenuhi ekspektasiku. You know, karena Catching Fire adalah buku favoritku dari ketiga buku yang ada. Aku ingat betapa cemasnya aku saat aku melihat riwayat film-film yang pernah ditangani Francis karena review-reviewnya yang biasa hingga bener-bener jelek. I was like,"Oh my God... ada nggak ya keajaiban yang bisa membuat Gary Ross bisa kembali untuk jadi director film Catching Fire?" Dan ya, bukan cuma aku aja yang berpikir begitu di fandom Hunger Games yang biasa disebut sebagai Tributes. Buktinya? Salah satunya adalah video ini, video yang sanggup membuatku tertawa terbahak-bahak. Tapi ya, kalau aku belum menonton film Catching Fire dan menonton video itu... ga kebayang lagi deh. Kurasa aku bakal frustasi and stuff (I know I am exaggerating BUT COME ON).

Tadinya aku nggak sadar kalau Francis Lawrence dan kru mengambil banyak dialog-dialog yang bener-bener plek asli sama diambil dari novel nya. Ini karena aku udah bertekad untuk nggak membaca ulang novel Catching Fire sama sekali sebelum menonton filmnya. Tindakan yang tepat, karena aku nggak harus langsung merasa kecewa saat itu juga ketika menonton filmnya kalo ada adegan yang diganti/potong.

Siriusly, though. Aku memang dulu termasuk salah satu fans yang langsung protes tanpa memikirkan alasan kenapa suatu adegan atau karakter dipotong/ganti. Sekarang udah nggak lagi, mengingat aku sudah menyadari kalau banyak yang perlu dipertimbangkan: budget, durasi, casting, bahkan sampai mengenai pemahaman/selera orang-orang yang belum atau bahkan nggak mau membaca buku nya. I mean, aku nggak bakalan menolak sama sekali kalau Francis memasukkan adegan Katniss yang nyaris ditangkap oleh Peacekeepers/Penjaga Perdamaian, Katniss-Darius, atau adegan saat Peeta menggambarkan sketsa tanaman obat untuk Katniss. Tapi aku rasanya bisa mendengar keluhan orang-orang yang nggak membaca bukunya/yang nggak tertarik oleh Peeta-Katniss. "Ya ampun... adegan romantis??" "Cinta segitiga? Ini kayak Twilight ya?" "Apaan nih, terlalu bertele-tele. Mana HUNGER GAMES nyaa?!" khusus untuk dua yang terakhir, aku pengen rasanya mencekoki cliffhanger ala Collins ke leher orang-orang yang bilang begitu. :3

Mengenai dialog-dan-adegan-langsung-dari-buku, aku langsung mengenalinya ketika aku membaca ulang novel Catching Fire.

Like,"Astaga, ini kan dipakai di film!" Yep. Ini salah satu hal yang membuat reputasi Francis melejit di kalangan Tributes. Lalu entah karena ini disebabkan oleh the power of the script, Josh and Jennifer's friendship, or Suzanne Collins' writing, aku bisa melihat chemistry di antara Josh Hutcherson dan Jennifer Lawrence. Kuakui bahwa sekalipun aku nge-ship Peeniss (there, I said it! :p), di film The Hunger Games chemistry mereka sama sekali nggak ada. I won't be like some Romione or Harry-Ginny shippers yang menolak mati-matian bahwa chemistry Daniel dan Emma lebih kuat dan Rupert Grint-Emma Watson = 0. Aku bisa mengerti kenapa banyak yang lebih memilih Liam Hemsworth aka Gale Hawthorne untuk dipasangkan dengan Katniss karena selain tampang ya chemistry. Adegan kissing/romance Peeniss di film The Hunger Games pun terasa biasa aja di filmnya, nggak seperti yang di buku. Tapi yang di versi film Catching Fire?

Meski begitu, ini sebenernya keberuntungan yang pas banget dengan plot masing-masing film, baik The Hunger Games maupun Catching Fire. Why? Well, chemistry Josh dan Jen masih kurang di film The Hunger Games... dan sebenernya nggak masalah. Memang hubungan Peeta dan Katniss maknanya 'fake', bukan? Untuk menarik perhatian para sponsor. Yah, menurutku memang nggak masalah kalau chemistry mereka berdua masih kurang. Nah, giliran di film Catching Fire... well, sudah bisa ditebak, kan? Persahabatan Josh dan Jen in real life yang semakin dekat jelas membantu menunjukkan hubungan Peeta dan Katniss yang memang semakin dekat. What is this sorcery?!

Mengenai casting, bisa dibilang lagi-lagi banyak yang merasa malu karena perkataan mereka sebelum film Catching Fire tayang. Sama seperti sebelum trailer The Hunger Games muncul/film nya tayang dulu. Berapa banyak orang di fandom THG yang menyesali terpilihnya Jennifer sebagai Katniss, cuma gara-gara rambutnya pirang atau badannya nggak kurus? Sekarang mereka malah ikut mengatakan,"Oh, Jen, you really are Katniss!" Dan itu terulang lagi untuk karakter-karakter seperti Johanna Mason dan Finnick Odair. Terutama Finnick, though. SIRIUSLY. Kalau yang tampangnya kayak Sam Claflin masih dibilang kurang ganteng, aku nggak tau lagi siapa yang cukup ganteng bagi mereka untuk jadi Finnick. Lagipula, daripada mengutamakan tampang, aku sih mending memikirkan kualitas akting nya juga. Buat apa tampang aktor yang terpilih jadi Finnick super-mega-astaga ganteng tapi dia nggak tau Finnick itu karakter yang seperti apa? Buat apa kalo dia nggak bisa menghidupkan karakter Finnick? If you ask me, aku cuma bisa menggelengkan kepala kalo masih ada yang pengen Garrett Hedlund untuk jadi Finnick cuma gara-gara tampang. Dia bahkan udah mengaku terang-terangan kalo dia menolak peran Finnick karena dia belum dan nggak bakalan membaca trilogi Hunger Games karena nggak punya waktu. Siriusly, guys.

By the way, aku bener-bener suka pilihan mereka untuk Johanna Mason, Jena Malone. Aku belum pernah melihat bagaimana Jena saat dia memerankan karakter seperti Johanna. Or acting in any movies for that matter. Tapi saat aku melihat adegan elevator (harus kuakui, aku lebih suka penggambarannya di film karena banyak detail-detail yang kusuka. Like, the classic Jennifer Lawrence that we can see in it :p) dan terutama interview..... yep. She IS Johanna Mason. Aku juga suka penambahan beberapa hal seperti swearing yang membuat mataku terbelalak saat menontonnya, karena sejujurnya memang nggak ada di novel nya. You know? I. LOVE. THAT. Bless you, Francis and the crew.

Belum lagi detail tambahan mengenai PTSD Katniss. Look, I don't really know about it karena aku baru tau bahwa mimpi-mimpi  buruk yang dialami Katniss dan Peeta di novelnya dikategorikan dalam PTSD. Aku baru tau itu ketika aku coba-coba browsing soal novel Mockingjay karena di novel itulah efek PTSD pada semua karakter, terutama Katniss, lebih dieksplor. Aku sendiri kaget saat melihat Jack Quaid aka Marvel muncul di adegan awal film, but I liked it. Tentang PTSD inilah yang membuat sebagian orang di fandom THG merasa bosan atau kecewa saat membaca Mockingjay.

(THIS IS A SLIGHT SPOILER THIS IS A SLIGHT SPOILER) A bit OOT, tapi aku menyinggung sedikit soal ini di post ini. Menurutku, orang-orang yang mengatakan Mockingjay adalah buku yang membosankan karena ekspektasi tinggi mereka terhadap Katniss sama saja posisinya dengan sebagian karakter di Mockingjay. Menaruh harapan tinggi, berharap Katniss bakalan badass, nggak cengeng/menangis, nggak rapuh, kuat, tangguh, dan selalu membuat keputusan yang benar/masuk akal setiap saat. Like, siriusly, guys. Pernah nggak sebentar aja, bayangin posisi kalian sebagai Katniss? Di usia semuda itu, dia sudah mengalami hal-hal yang kacaunya nggak terbayangkan lagi dan banyak korban, dan kalian berharap banyak/tinggi pada Katniss? No offense, but siriusly... hypocrites. Karena aku ragu kalian bisa menjadi awesome all the time kalo kalian ada di posisi Katniss, ditambah lagi terlihat jelas bahwa Collins ingin membuat cerita yang realitis. Kalau Katniss saja nyaris gila di akhir Mockingjay, gimana dengan kalian yang berharap banyak pada Katniss? Pengin karakter favorit kalian jadi Mary Sue/Gary Stu, jadi badass/melakukan yang kalian inginkan, pasti dapat happy ending? Novel-novel tulisan Stephenie Meyer menunggu dengan tangan terbuka. :3

Kembali ke film Catching Fire. Menurutku film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire adalah salah satu film adaptasi novel Young Adult terbaik yang pernah kutonton. Ini film pertama yang membuat bahkan fandom Harry Potter/Potterheads garis keras pun mengakuinya, bahkan iri aku nggak bisa ngebayangin gimana perasaan para Demigods/fandom Percy Jackson, terlalu menyedihkan. Kenapa? Selain adegan-dan-dialog-langsung-dari-buku, Francis berhasil menampilkan inti utama dari Catching Fire meskipun dia sebenernya tetap memotong, mengganti, atau menambahkan adegan-adegan tertentu. Sejauh ini, ini film adaptasi novel YA pertama yang pernah kutonton yang sebenarnya tetap mengganti/memotong adegan dari buku, tapi nggak membuatku kesal atau merasa terganggu sama sekali. Aku bahkan nggak keberatan sama sekali dengan satu adegan kising antara Gale-Katniss yang bahkan nggak ada di buku (what can you do, anyway? Chemistry Jennifer dan Liam memang oke). IT WAS PERFECT.

Mengenai ending film yang gantung? Kenapa? Kesal, marah, frustasi? :3

Itulah akibatnya kalo nggak mau baca bukunya~

I know I shouldn't say that, but still... I just can't help it.

Tapi serius deh ah. Ada aja yang ngasih review jelek cuma karena ending nya? FUDGING REALLY??!! Memang begitu akhir bukunya, masa mau diganti. Malah, menurutku di buku lebih nyesek efeknya karena inti dari cliffhangers tulisan Suzanne Collins adalah ASDFGHJKL WHAT THE HELL OH MY GOD REALLY NO NO NO. Kalian yang nggak baca buku-buku The Hunger Games bisa dibilang beruntung jantung dan emosi nya nggak dipermainkan oleh Collins yang kayaknya udah melebihi Rick Riordan dalam hal kesadisan cliffhanger dan plot twist (?). SIRIUSLY. Aku rasa kira-kira sembilan puluh persen chapter di setiap buku trilogi Hunger Games diakhiri oleh cliffhanger atau plot twist. Sekalipun nggak diakhiri dengan cliffhanger, tetep aja aku speechless atau emosional di chapter-chapter tersebut. Yep. Segitu jahatnya Suzanne Collins. In a good way, of course.

That's all for now (karena aku yakin aku bakal mengedit post ini nantinya xD) Thank you for your attention~ :3

P.S.: untuk orang-orang yang tertawa sat adegan-adegan yang bahkan nggak lucu sama sekali..... come on, just admit it. What the fudge were you on at the moment?

READ MORE » Review film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) dari sudut pandang pembaca

Sunday, December 1, 2013


That One "Love Triangle" in The Hunger Games Trilogy


well unless you have no problems with SPOILERS :3

I'm starting to feel sick whenever someone says,"Oh, The Hunger Games? It's like, the next Twilight, right?" or "What the...?! A love triangle?? What is this, a new Twilight?". If you ask me, I can assure you that there is no love triangle in THG book series. Well, if you insist... technically, it's there, but that's it. The love triangle is just kind of... there. You can barely see the love triangle well, unless you're a fan of Stephenie Meyer. However, I still think there isn't even a love triangle in Hunger Games books.

If I'm not mistaken, (if you have read the books) you would know that Katniss did not even want to have kids or even get married because of the messed up system and place she lived in. (SPOILERS.... I'VE WARNED YOU) Even Peeta has a hard time in asking (I am sorry if I choose the wrong word >_<) Katniss to have kids at the end of the trilogy. Some people would think that Peeta was the first one who was friendzoned by Katniss. Nope, it was Gale. You would know if you've read the first book of the trilogy, The Hunger Games. I admit that I actually thought Katniss would end up with Gale because Suzanne Collins introduced him first before Peeta. However, as time goes by, Peeta's character grew in me. I felt like I knew why Katniss would end up with him at the end.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but even though Katniss does think that both Gale and Peeta are attractive, she never goes all Bella Swan in the trilogy. 

COME ON. It takes almost two and a half books for Katniss to realize that she really loves Peeta as a person. I mean, she loves Gale as well— or maybe not really since he kind of related to what happened to Prim. If I'm not mistaken, it happens either in the middle or near the end of Mockingjay book.

Of course, Katniss had this kind of hunger when she kissed Peeta in the arena (the 3rd Quarter Quell; Catching Fire). Still, she didn't realize that she actually loved Peeta at the moment. If you ask me, when she kissed Peeta at the beach, it was kind of like Annabeth-Percy-Rachel case at the end of The Battle of Labyrinth and at some parts in The Last Olympian. I think this and this post describe the so-called (once again... I hope I'm using the correct word >_<) love triangle in The Hunger Games books perfectly.

Besides, both Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark have important roles in the story, not just as Katniss Everdeen's love interests. Unlike that one love triangle in Twilight. Someone wrote a good analysis about Gale and Peeta's role. However, I will have to disagree if someone says that Peeta's main purpose is only as a love interest just because he ends up with Katniss at the end. I've heard people who said that Katniss should've killed Peeta in the 74th Hunger Games, or that Peeta Mellark is a boring character. I know this video is supposed to be a joke (or maybe they seriously think that Katniss should've killed Peeta :| ) but still... how many people who've watched the video and said,"Hell yeah! You should've killed Peeta, Katniss!"?

Let me tell you: if you ask me, I'd say, if Peeta died in the 74th Hunger Games, there would be no rebellion or revolution.

Or let's just say if Peeta Mellark didn't exist. Still, there'd be no rebellion or revolution. If Peeta didn't exist, it means a random District 12 boy would be reaped, and Katniss would still volunteer as a Tribute for Prim. If this version of 74th Hunger Games happened and Katniss/the random District 12 male Tribute/both of them lost, there'd be no rebellion/revolution. If this version of 74th Hunger Games happened and Katniss or the random District 12 male Tribute won... still, nothing would happen. Everything would stay the same. Katniss/the random District 12 male Tribute would be a mentor and stuff. What, do you think if Katniss was reaped together with a random District 12 male Tribute, she would behave or do things the way she did with Peeta? I don't think so. If Katniss owed Peeta and she still considered to kill him, well... what do you think she'd do to this random District 12 male Tribute? I say, she'd try her best to kill him to survive the games.

What, do you think Gale would volunteer as a Tribute like Peeta did in Catching Fire? Nope, I don't think so. If Gale volunteered in this version of 74th Hunger Games (where Peeta didn't exist), then who would take care of Gale and Katniss' family? I don't think Katniss would forgive Gale for volunteering as a Tribute because no one would take care of their families, especially her family. Besides the fact that Gale was supposed to take care of his and Katniss' family, didn't Gale just realize that he loved Katniss after the whole star-crossed lovers stuff? After he saw Peeta and Katniss? Then Gale was like,"Wow. Katniss and the baker boy. I can't...." What, you think Katniss would ask Peeta or his father to take care of her and Gale's family? That wouldn't happen because Katniss felt that she owed Peeta, right? Asking  Peeta or even his father to take care of her and Gale's family would make her frustrated or something like that.

Then, let's say that Katniss did kill Peeta in the final round of 74th Hunger Games. STILL, there would be no rebellion or revolution. She would be a mentor and live in the Victors' Village.

It's out of topic, but I still don't understand why some people think Peeta looks like a girl, boring, or has feminine traits. He bakes, of course, but what, does it make him look like a girl? Does that make him weaker than Katniss? Didn't he kill Brutus? Isn't he strong? Or does it mean if someone can cook or bake, it means that person (male or female) have a feminine trait or look like a girl?

I also don't understand why some people are disappointed of what happened in Mockingjay. I've seen people's reaction about Mockingjay who think that the last book of Hunger Games franchise really represents how people like Katniss and the others would be and do. What, did you really expect the characters in The Hunger Games books, especially Katniss, would be badass and tough all the time? You expect them to make perfect and right decisions or more like, decisions you agree with all the time? COME ON. Like I said, especially Katniss Everdeen. After what happened to Prim to the point Katniss almost lost her mind or sanity. You seriously expect Katniss to be still badass, tough, and make best decisions? Come on, guys. Do you even remember how old Katniss when all this stuff happened to her? She's still that young and has been through all these things? If you think about it, I'm surprised why Katniss head didn't explode when Coin takes votes for their supposedly revenge version of Hunger Games. Also, Primrose Everdeen is like, someone Katniss loved the most in the entire universe. It might seem like Katniss is out of character for a moment when they are taking votes, but come on..... would you please try to put yourself in her shoes? After all Katniss has been through, and she lost Prim forever, and then there's a chance like that... I think Katniss already has too many things to handle that she doesn't even think whether it's the right decision or not at the moment.

Some people also expect there would be a-war-in-Capitol-involving-Katniss-woohoo-this-is-gonna-be-crazy-intense-and-stuff-most-importantly-blood-yeahh thing in Mockingjay..... do I have to remind you that The Hunger Games book series is relayed by first point of view/first POV? If you ask me, it means we, as the readers, have to accept the fact that we obviously will not see and read stuff not involving Katniss or stuff Katniss doesn't really care about.

Mockingjay would be separated into two films, anyway. That way, maybe you might get what you've always wanted, right?

And to some people who said that the epilogue isn't important, isn't related to the story, or even shouldn't exist..... man. Really? After all Peeta and Katniss have been through? I really, really think they deserve an ending or closure that is kind of a happy ending. "Kind of"? Yeah. Because I don't think even though it seems like Peeta and Katniss are happy (like what some people said)... you know. Gale, Katniss' best friend, has left her and goes to District 2. Katniss' mother goes and stays in District 4 because of what happened to Prim. Peeta's family all have gone forever. Peeta's still got episodes, meaning it would still be a problem for both Peeta and Katniss. Well, I don't know about you but I think what Peeta, Katniss, or any other Hunger Games characters for that matter have gotten and been through would make what happens at the end of Mockingjay/the epilogue as happy ending.

I gotta admit that I used to be one of those people who don't like Mockingjay. I didn't really know what Mockingjay told us, but now I know. All I can say is now that I know Mockingjay is actually a great book, it makes me love The Hunger Games book trilogy even more. Now that I know what Mockingjay actually represents or tells, I do agree that it's great because it's a realistic depiction if this kind of thing really happened.

So, that's why I think love triangle and especially Peeta actually have an important role in the trilogy. I, for one, think that his character is interesting especially what happens to him in Mockingjay.
READ MORE » That One "Love Triangle" in The Hunger Games Trilogy